4 benefits of becoming a Triathlete

Published by kellypuffer on

A fitter, healthier and a more determind you!  

You’ve decided to take that step and try a triathlon! Oh my gosh, you’re in for a really fantastic adventure and we’re so excited.


We have endless reasons as to why we love triathlon, but we have decided to select 4 of our biggest reasons that have always given us the motivation and energy to train.

Maybe you too will share some of these feelings with us and which you’ll also find motivating to keep going and enjoy the journey. 

4 Reasons to Love Triathlon

1. Explore the Outdoors

Yes, firstly, triathlon helps you get you outdoors, into the open, exploring new places and enjoying nature. So don’t hold back, embrace these magical moments to explore and go on these adventures. You can discover alone, but also with other friends whilst you search to find new cycle routes, new running trails, new outdoor pools or outdoor lakes safe to swim in! In fact, if you’re considering swimming in open-water, we recommend you read our blog on ‘10 lessons learned in open water swimming‘! 

If you don’t think you are a person who enjoys the outdoors and being in nature, well, just ask yourself in 6 months time the same question!  I can be sure that you will also fall in love with the outdoors despite the cold, the wind and the rain. You’ll  start to love the excitement of exploring new places with new people on a new level.

2. Be Confident, Get in Shape

Secondly, you’re going to get in great physical shape because your cardio and fitness is going to be the best ever. You’re going to look fitter. You might even have a goal to loose weight or get to a weight that is healthy for you. Feeling fit doesn’t only give you a huge confidence boost, but there will be new opportunities opening up where you will feel more confident to accept because you know you are fit enough to take on the challenge.  Feel a real sense of excitement to join a hike with friends, or go with a cycle group because now you have the necessary fitness that you need. No more “if only I was fit enough” statements required!

3. Feel Proud

You’re going to feel proud of yourself. You’re going to find out that when you challenge yourself, take yourself out of your comfort zone and out of your boundaries, you understand a lot about yourself and prove that you are more capable than you ever imagined. You’re going to feel limitless! And this has a ripple effect across how you begin to think about other things – not just in sport but in work and life in general. So you’ll see how triathlon starts to have a positive effect on your life with a more ‘can-do’ attitude. It’s fantastic.

4. Be an Inspiration to Others

You are going to inspire others and feel part of something bigger. You’ll find an energy and passion within that you didn’t ever see before. You’re going to commit to a race and you must commit to your training. And once that’s decided, you’re not going to give up. That is what’s going to make you incredibly encaptivating and inspiring to others. Showing up for yourself to complete those training sessions on a regular basis, even when you don’t always feel like it. That’s the self-love and discipline you are able to achieve all by YOURSELF which will make you feel on top of the world 🙂 

Everyone is unique...

Can you releate to any of these top benefits to take up triathlon? Do you feel more energetic throughout the day? Do you feel more confident because you are fitter and stronger?

Do you feel the desire to discover

Either way, the coolest thing about triathlon is that every single person has different reasons and motivations for trying triathlon. Infact, our stories are both very different. If you haven’t read about us, why not read our stories about how we entered into the world of triathlon!