Reasons to love swim, bike & run
20 reasons why we are sure you might like to Tri!
Let’s be honest, most people don’t start off loving something when they first try something new. But it’s normal, because it’s challenging, it’s out of your comfort zone, it’s a little stressful, it’s the unexpected (unless you’re a superhero of course)! But after you have tried it a few times, it’s then that you realise how it makes you feel, how happy you have become from this newfound hobby, sport, or whatever that ‘new’ thing is.
So what makes you try it in the first place? Peer pressure from friends or family; someone may have inspired you; you may need to do something for health reasons, or maybe you simply have the curiosity to try. And that’s where the magic begins…
When you discover things. When you discover people. When you feel more relaxed. When you feel that sense of achievement. When you have something new to talk about. When you feel a new spark. When you find that connection with people who share the same passion as you.
So now, let us share with you our top reasons why we have fallen in love with Triathlon…and hopefully we too can help extract that ‘curiosity petal’ from you to go out and just try it! Tri IT!