Swim, Bike, Run!

Unlock your Triathlon Journey

Get Curious, Dive In & Transform into a Confident Triathlete!

Have you dreamt of Running in Tuscany?

Make your dreams come true: Run, relax, and immerse yourself in Italy’s ‘Dolce Vita’ with women just like you!

Swim, Bike, Run, Have Fun!

What Awaits You

Triathlon isn’t just a sport – it’s a transformative journey that empowers your mind, body, and spirit.

Discover your own extraordinary limits!

Total Body Work-Out

Triathlons engage every muscle group. Swimming strengthens your upper body, cycling builds lower body strength, and running tones your entire physique. It’s like a symphony for your muscles!

Unforgettable Experiences

You'll meet some amazing people along your journey, you'll explore new things about you, and you'll discover the beauty of the outside world too!

New Friendships & Energy

Yes, training sessions may seem draining, but the overall effect is heightened energy levels. You’ll conquer fatigue and feel revitalised! Plus training with people will give you that extra Boost.

Happy & Healthy Lifestyle

Regular triathlon training lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and even osteoporosis or depression.

Start your Triathlon Journey

The Ultimate Beginner's Triathlon Kit List Guide

Get your FREE 14-page ebook of ALL the essential gear you need for training and racing as a beginner triathlete.

Fuel Your Run

Ready to boost your performance and recovery with the right fuel? Let’s dive into some delicious and nutritious tips to keep you energised and feeling fantastic on your runs!

A Beginners Guide to your First Triathlon Race

Conquer your first triathlon with our 15 essential tips, from race-day strategies to calming your pre-race nerves.

Fasttrack to Triathlon 7 Week Challenge

Start Your Triathlon Adventure with us. Join our 7 week challenge to get you from ZERO idea to Triathlete Finisher and beyond!

Tri2Discover is here for you

every step of your journey


We are passionate to help every single woman, at whatever fitness level they are, have the confidence to try triathlon - because we are sure they will love it and become limitless!


We want to inspire others with our stories, the goods and bads, and the learnings we made along the way so that together we can help inspire each other to keep growing, trying and challenging ourselves. 


There is so much more to triathlon than meets the eye, we're here to dive into all of it and help you understand each and every aspect keeping it as simple and easy as possible so you can focus on getting out there and making those unforgettable experiences. 

Hi, I'm Kelly

I guide women of all fitness levels, on their journey to becoming truly confident, safe, and self-sufficient in the realm of triathlon, empowering them to take ownership of their training and enjoy their race experiences to the max!

Triathlon training is not just about physical endurance; it’s a transformative journey towards self-empowerment and personal growth.

With over 12 years of experience in the sport and having competed in over 50 races and overcome personal challenges, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a genuine passion to help women embrace the triathlon lifestyle and unlock their full potential as a Triscoverer!

My Favourite Triathlon Gear

Enhance your triathlon training and racing experience with budget-friendly gear that won’t break the bank.

Triathlon Race Belt

A triathlon race belt will help keep things simple and quick during your triathlon race, ensuring efficiency & comfort throughout.

Elastic Laces

With elastic laces, there's no need to stop and tie your shoe laces up or risk your laces getting caught up in your bike pedals.

Phone Holder

Quick access to your phone during training rides allows you to navigate and discover new areas whilst following your training.

Start your Triathlon journey today!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey and crush your triathlon goals? Together, we’ll boost your energy levels, enhance your well-being and achieve above and beyond what you thought possible. We’ll take you from Novice to a Triathlon Finisher and Beyond…

Feel proud and come on in and be part of something extraordinary!