Welcome to our Dream


Welcome to the dream escape — just 20 minutes from Siena, in the heart of Tuscany, you’ll find our charming Agriturismo where the simple joys of life come alive on a beautiful farm and serene surroundings.

We have a fantastic outdoor area where you can enjoy meals, relax on comfy puffs, and find plenty of space for our Pilates and meditation sessions. After a refreshing morning run, unwind in our jacuzzi, or soak under the stars at night. 

Spread across 300 hectares of fields, surrounded by chestnut and oak forests, this agriturismo offers an ideal retreat for us see free-range Sienese pigs roam and grow in a natural environment. Alongside the pigs, you’ll find various courtyard animals that contribute to the authentic and rustic atmosphere.

The How, What & Where


We prioritise fun over speed, ensuring everyone stays together and no one is left behind.

How far we'll go

Each day, we will aim to cover approximately 10 kilometers (about 6 miles), with some days extending to a maximum of 13 kilometers (around 8 miles), while others will be a bit shorter. To fully enjoy and benefit from this retreat, it’s best if you can comfortably run 10 kilometers.  The running routes however will be adjusted according to the groups abilities as per the application form and desires during the trip. Of course, if you wish to run further, there are many tracks starting from the Agriturismo to explore!

Where we'll run

Prepare to embrace a variety of terrains as we journey through Tuscany’s diverse landscapes. The runs will take us from smooth tarmac to the rustic beauty of gravel roads (strada bianca) and winding forest trails. Surrounded by Tuscany’s iconic rolling hills, expect to encounter gentle climbs and descents—perfect if you love a bit of a challenge and the rewarding “vistas” that come with it. 

Balance Is Everything

Imagine running through one of the world’s most enchanting places, where every step is about savoring the journey. This retreat is all about balance and moderation, so you can truly enjoy your experience. Listen to your body and go at your own pace—this isn’t a hard-core boot camp!

If you wake up feeling like a relaxing day in the jacuzzi instead, that’s perfectly okay too!

Van Support

We will plan various moments during the run to allow for stops with the van support and if you’re feeling tired, you can jump on in and see you at the final destination!