My Story
Hi, I'm Kelly

Ciao! I’m Kelly, and there’s nothing I love more than getting outdoors, diving into sports, and discovering new places. Originally from Oxford, UK, I’ve been living in Italy for the last 7 years, and I’m thrilled to share the wonders of this beautiful country and its incredible people with you through the Tuscany Retreats!

With over 13 years of adopting a triathlon lifestyle, I truly believe that running, cycling, and swimming can bring a multitude of positive changes. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping women have the best experience possible by sharing my knowledge and hosting retreats. When travel and sport blend, it’s pure magic, and I can’t wait to share that with you.

My mission is to bring women together to embrace joyful experiences through triathlon sports, step out of their comfort zones, and realize they are more capable than they ever imagined. Along the way, we’ll build lasting friendships and unforgettable memories.

I’m so excited to meet you and start our adventure together!


Triathlete, Nature (& choc) Passionate